Thursday, April 16, 2009

For Sale - Call For Work

Buffalo based Designer/Artists Patricia Schraven and Nick Bruscia have put out a call for work for a pop-up storefront exhibition to be hosted at the WNY Book Arts Center. The event is sponsored by WNYBAC and Hero Design Studio.

Participants are asked to re-think the idea of the souvenir, and create NEW objects to be shown in a temporary POP-UP storefront in the City of Buffalo. This is a chance to redefine and comment on the social and cultural atmosphere of our city. Souvenirs for Buffalo will be a one-off exhibition in late June 2009. Objects must be produced in multiples. There is a $20 submission fee for any number of proposals up to 4. For submissions and more info, email forsalebuffalo (at)

More info will be posted on their blog soon!!

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