In conjunction with our Retrospective Exhibit "Pulled to the Limit" at WNY Book Arts Center we are teaching a FREE Screenprinting Demo on Wednesday, February 17, 6-8pm at WNYBAC.
Screen printing is a great and fun way to exhibit artwork or advertise an event like a concert or exhibition. Silkscreen printing (also known as serigraphy) is a method of print making in which the negative of an image is blocked out of a screen of fine mesh, and ink is pulled through the open areas of the mesh onto the printing surface. In this workshop, we will introduce you to the basics of screen printing while demonstrating the printing process. We will discuss the basics of file and film preparation, mesh selection, frames, stencil systems, printing techniques, ink, reclamation of screens, and how screen printing affects the finishing processes.
This is a FREE demo workshop, space is very limited, and pre-registration is REQUIRED to attend. To pre-register please send an email to info [at] wnybookarts [dot] org, please include your name and that you wish to attend the Screenprinting Workshop with Hero. After you have received confirmation of your place in the workshop, if you find you are unable to attend, we just ask that you contact WNYBAC to cancel your spot, so that it may be given to someone else that wishes to attend.
As an attendee you will be given an opportunity to print and a copy of the finished poster that we will be producing during the workshop.
Pulled to the Limit runs until Saturday, February 20.
Any chance you'll video the demo and post up somewhere for those of geographically opposed to the live version?
Any demo's slated for the near future?
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